
Kamis, 11 Juli 2013

angel flower. become eternal! (but keep it far from water)

hi guy's, when i went to the mountain last time, i brought some stuff. it was flower named edelweiss. this is a flower which only growing in a highland, about 2000 feet above sea level. i made some hand craft, in indonesia country, as far as i know there are three kind of edelweiss flower (all of it have the same durability, i mean they would not faded or rotten in years, except it contact with water.
first is regular/common flower, it have a pure white color and sometimes become white caramel color. blossom much in august. this kind of edelweiss isn't really hard to find up on the mountain, it's grow in a landed soil, the hard thing to do to get this flower is just the climb it self,
second, snow white edelweiss if you want to get heart's girl, i suggest this one, can be found on the top(not easy problem) and it's only found during summer in indonesia, not all the mountain had this flower, only where i lived, called dieng. you can read it in my list of post, i can be guide to if you are interesting to seeing things in indonesia, back to topic,
third, black snow edelweiss. most hard to find, took some lucky charm with you when u looking for this flower, same as snow white edelweiss, but this edelweiss not really easy to find, some of it mostly hiding behind the huge rocks, or the cliff (dark places which sun's shines not really bright) but i'am not suggest you if you wanted to give this as present, because the black color means something you know? since it nice and elegant, this flower can be collect as a.. anything you like, in your working table.


this blog is assigned for my life, i just finally awaken for my childish. 20 years i life i just messing around and nothing i done properly, not for my family, not for my self. after many of troubles i have survive, than i look forward. what am i want to be faith with, what am i going to do. i ask my friend, ask anyone close to me, but they do not have proper idea. than i start to write and write, save anything can be save by typing it and put it my site. please be enjoyed, i'am nor a good writer, but i just want to share my experience. there some shop stuff to, i'am looking for money for my collage and things to back up the cost of adventure. me and my friend would be so thankful if anyone who look this site want to donate anything, money, adventure stuff. you can contact me with email: pnprabowo@gmail.com soon, the adventure experience. into the wild.